Mr. Furnace is dedicated to the healthy and safety of our customers, staff, and community
Mr. Furnace takes pride in being a part of the communities we serve for more than thirty years. In all that time, we’ve never encountered a situation like we are currently experiencing with the novel Coronavirus “Covid-19”. We’ve had to do some real research on how best to ensure the safety of our staff and customers as well as the general public residing in our surrounding communities.
We know that we’ve all heard the basics repeatedly from the news outlets, social media, and friends & relatives about how to stay as safe as possible during this pandemic, but we still feel responsible to formally communicate the preventive measures we are taking.
We pored over all the information available to us from reputable organizations, such as the CDC and WHO, developed our own system for Operating Best Practices During A Pandemic, and trained our staff.
What We Are Doing Inside Our Offices
- Secure entry system requires anyone wanting to enter the building be granted access by push button restricting access to the public.
- Deep clean of our facility and all inventory.
- Personnel have been asked to work from home whenever possible, decreasing the amount of traffic within the facility.
- Common areas and machinery are disinfected multiple times throughout the work day with a clinical grade disinfectant cleaner and all personnel remaining on site follow the CDC guidelines for virus prevention.
- Prevent group gathering by communicating electronically with our staff and also staggering times for inventory pickup at the warehouse.
What We Are Doing To Safeguard You & Ourselves During A Visit
- No Contact Service Calls. We understand if you’d prefer not to sign our work order upon completion and we will accept a simply worded email sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- Our vehicles are disinfected before and after every use with a clinical grade disinfectant cleaner.
- Technicians, Installers and Salespersons are provided face masks, gloves and booties as personal protection equipment.
- Technicians and Installers sanitize their workspace and your equipment with a clinical grade disinfectant cleaner before and after services are performed.
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding our policies, or your safety, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (586) 754-6700.
Information Sources