A Zone Damper System installed by Mr. Furnace provides advanced comfort control in your home or office
Maximize your HVAC comfort with a zone damper system from Mr. Furnace Heating and Cooling! HVAC damper systems (or furnace dampers) is a commonly used technology to provide individual temperature control to any room (zone) in a home or commercial space. Zoned HVAC systems are a great solution for Michigan homes or buildings with multiple levels, particularly homes with finished basements that require a separate heating supply. Zoned damper systems take away the need for additional space heating/cooling units, making it a more cost-effective and efficient solution for your home.
Components of a HVAC Zone Damper
Components of a HVAC Zone Damper
A zoned damper system (also called a furnace damper) consists of three main components:
- Zoned Control Panel (installed on your furnace unit)
- Dampers (separate supply ducts with damper valves)
- Thermostats (installed in each zone to regulate temperature)
Sometimes, we install a pressure relief system called a "CPR" (Controlled Pressure Relief) to help balance the added pressure a zoned damper may present.
Each thermostat is wired directly to the Zoned Control Panel, which tells each damper (illustrated above in green, blue, and yellow) to open/close to supply heated or cooled air to an individual zone. We recommend installing a smart thermostat in each zone, which offers better energy savings and advanced control from your smartphone.
We design each zoned system according to the comfort needs of our customers. So the number of zones you need, will determine how many separate damper supplies and thermostats we install.
HVAC Zone Damper System installation
HVAC Zone Damper System installation
Zoned HVAC Damper Systems are only compatible with homes or buildings with forced air HVAC (air ducts). If your home doesn't have modern duct-work, we can custom-design and install a duct system in your home to support a forced air HVAC system, along with any HVAC equipment installation.
If you already have a forced air HVAC system (furnace and AC) in your home or office, our experts can determine if a zoned system is compatible with your space. Your furnace must be the adequate size to support the added demand of a zoned system, which our comfort specialists will determine during your free estimate.
At Mr. Furnace Heating and Cooling, we will design and install a zoned HVAC system that meets your home comfort needs. We serve all of Macomb County and eastern areas of Oakland County, so contact us today to learn more about our zoned HVAC systems and to schedule your free estimate!